Premium coffee among the remnants of Andean civilizations
Huila is an important part of the Columbia Massif, which is a group of mountains in southern Colombia. It is in this area that there are the most religious monuments and megalithic statues in South America. They depict the mythical gods and animals of the Andean civilizations from the first century AD and are part of the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Farmers cultivate the local famous coffee on the slopes of the mountains, which is divided by the longest Colombian river Magdalena. Thanks to year-round rains and mild temperatures, farmers can grow coffee at high altitudes. This gives the coffee its characteristic acidity and various tones of flowers.
Coffee suppliers are small farmers
Although the geographical conditions in Huila are ideal, farmers play a key role in producing quality coffee. About 80 farmers grow coffee here on less than three hectares of land. The conditions here are very demanding and exhausting. All the more so, local families are proud of their product, which with its 81 points boasts the label coffee.